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Money For Seniors

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Money For Seniors Empty Money For Seniors

Post by Kramer Tue 07 Jul 2020, 20:56


COVID-19: One-time payment for seniors

You do not have to apply for the additional support. You will receive the payment as soon as possible.

The payment for seniors provides support through a one-time payment:

$300 for seniors eligible for the Old Age Security pension, and
an additional $200 for seniors eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement

This measure will give a total of $500 to seniors who receive both the Old Age Security pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement, and will help them cover increased costs caused by COVID-19.

The one-time payment for seniors is available to individuals who are eligible to receive the Old Age Security pension or the Guaranteed Income Supplement in June 2020.
How to apply

You do not have to apply. All individuals who are eligible to receive the Old Age Security pension or the Guaranteed Income Supplement in June 2020 will receive the one-time payment for seniors.
Date of payment

A one-time separate payment will be issued during the week of July 6, 2020. If you reside in Canada, you should receive the payment that week. Direct Deposit is the fastest way to receive the payment. If you reside outside Canada, the payment will be received in July, but expect delays for cheques given international postal disruptions.
Method of payment

The one-time payment for seniors will be paid to your bank account if you are enrolled for Direct Deposit. If you are not enrolled for Direct Deposit, you will receive a cheque.

We encourage recipients of the Old Age Security pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement who currently receive payments by cheque to sign up for direct deposit to avoid payment delays.

Sign up for direct deposit
Payment amount

Everyone will receive one payment.

If you only receive the Old Age Security pension, you will receive a separate single payment of $300.

If you receive the Old Age Security pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement, you will receive a separate single payment of $500.

If you receive the Allowance or the Allowance for the Survivor, you will receive a separate single payment of $500.
Spouse and common-law partner

You and your spouse or common-law partner will each receive $500 if you are both receiving the Guaranteed Income Supplement.

For couples where one partner receives the Guaranteed Income Supplement and one partner (between the age of 60 and 64) receives the Allowance, the partner receiving the Guaranteed Income Supplement will receive $500 and the partner receiving the Allowance will receive $500.
Allowance for the Survivor

Recipients of the Allowance for the Survivor will receive the $500 for the Guaranteed Income Supplement.
Non-taxable payment

The one-time payment for seniors is non-taxable. You will receive the full amount (no withholds). You will not receive a tax slip and you will not have to report this amount in your 2020 tax return
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