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Just how much was CIAS .?

Unknown Soldier
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Just how much was CIAS .? - Page 2 Empty Just how much was CIAS .?

Post by Unknown Soldier Thu 06 Aug 2020, 15:12

I understand that on apr 1 2019 VAC did away with the Career Impact Allowance Suppliment as an attachment to those veterans with a Diminished Earning Capacity. But how was it calculated and how much was it , if there is anyone here receiving it? Was it a flat sum, was the amount connected to anything else like years served, severity of injuries etc, did it go up with inflation, could it be taken as a lump sum etc.? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I’m not being nosey, it’s for a proposed court case.
Unknown Soldier
Unknown Soldier
CSAT Member

Number of posts : 621
Location : MIR
Registration date : 2019-05-15

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