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Cdn Vets to the Rescue

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Cdn Vets to the Rescue Empty Re: Cdn Vets to the Rescue

Post by peep Tue 31 Aug 2021, 14:42

Can’t stomach voting for any of them. Maverick is the only sane party but what does that do for us.
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Cdn Vets to the Rescue Empty Re: Cdn Vets to the Rescue

Post by johnny211 Wed 21 Jul 2021, 12:37

Riddick - Ya our PM is a waste of air and rations. I hope like hell he does not get in, and there’s no saving Canada if Sockboy gets another 4 yrs as a majority...You are right that is disgusting, but once again our brother and sister hood steps up. I just had bkfst with several Afgan Vets, who worked beside the interpreters. They said the majority of the time they never knew there real names, just nicknames.
And there saying that with the Taliban having ctl of most of the country, it’s probably too late to extract them. Our gov knew a yr ago the US was pulling pin, but they give two F—-s..Kind of how sockboy rolls with the military and Vets. Johnnys Rant..Out.
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Cdn Vets to the Rescue Empty Cdn Vets to the Rescue

Post by Kramer Tue 20 Jul 2021, 17:19

News Article:

Leave it to Canadians.....this makes me proud and sad at the same time. Vets/soldiers are amazing much to give......yet our government couldn't give a rats behind. We are "asking for more than they can give." Many times we don't ask....we/they give! Yet our government can't recognize what we do/did other than make a huge public deal about monuments.

With no housing or plans to address the housing shortage, Trudeau wants to bring in 2,000,000 immigrants, and wants to do this ASAP, despite the economy trying to recover, the POS just doesn't care. Yet there is a chance he can get a majority government next election.......I don't get this.

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Registration date : 2015-03-19

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