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Forced vax in military

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Forced vax in military Empty Re: Forced vax in military

Post by Kramer Mon 03 Jun 2024, 13:23

These high ranking individuals should be held accountable for their asinine decisions/policies. But they will more than likely be protected by others and will either be relocated or quietly released.

Quote In July 2023, the Military Grievances External Review Committee found the CAF's previous mandatory vaccine policy infringed on members' rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Unquote WOW and the lights went on lol

Quote Last October, that was updated to say that vaccines are not required for all those serving in uniform, but are instead based on the roles and responsibilities of individual service members.Unquote A bit late, but only back-tracked because of the flack they got for poorly thought-out decisions.

It's ok for men to have long hair, anyone can have green hair and pins sticking out of your face and you will be accepted with open arms into the military......but heaven forbid you refused to put poorly tested chemicals in your body. GET OUT OR WE WILL KICK YOU OUT! Using the most lame excuses do so ..of course

No one can deny the dismal shape the military is in. It needs people with the gonads to do the right thing and speak up! Which translated means.......look out/after for the troops and stop throwing them under the bus. They can't fight when they are looking after senior homes or putting out forest fires when they are exhausted and stressed from idiot commanders.
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Forced vax in military Empty Re: Forced vax in military

Post by bigrex Sun 02 Jun 2024, 22:37

If you refused a to take a vaccination, you could be charged, court marshalled, and or released, for failing to follow a lawful order. It would probably depend on the situation though. For example, refusing to take the Anthrax shot, while deployed to the Persian Gulf, resulted in one guy getting charged, and shipped back to Halifax. But AFAIK, he wasn't discharged. As far as applying for a disability pension, if you were kicked out, I don't see why not. I've never seen anything in writing, that says that you had to have been honourably discharged to qualify, but they may be less inclined to approve a claim. But you definitely wouldn't be eligible for collect a CF pension, if you had enough time served
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Forced vax in military Empty Re: Forced vax in military

Post by Unknown Soldier Sun 02 Jun 2024, 22:03

bigrex wrote:I don't post very often these days, but I felt I had to chime in. As a service member, you have the right to refuse any order, including taking vaccinations, but you have to be prepared for the consequences of the refusal. And if you suffer any of the documented adverse effects from a vaccine, and it's severe and/or permanent, you may be entitled to a VAC pension for those conditions. That's how the military works.

If you refused the vaccine,were just released or dishonorable discharged? , and if a soldier is ever DD can they still apply for pension disability from VAC?
Unknown Soldier
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Forced vax in military Empty Forced Vax in the CF

Post by okrod Sat 01 Jun 2024, 16:48

agree 100%. I don't ascribe to conspiracy theories without solid evidence, however i am aware of a pattern of behaviour mostly by the right wing to diminish trust of the health and scientific communities, especially in the US and it has spread into Canada as well. As i have said before health and science is not a definitive field. It keeps evolving as new data comes to light, but i personally tend to trust both communities before any politician, Corporation,or disgruntled Doctor or scientist.

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Forced vax in military Empty Re: Forced vax in military

Post by bigrex Sat 01 Jun 2024, 12:08

Soldiers have been forced to take medications for several decades. I'm sure you remember going through needle parade during Basic.Did you sit there and demand to know what all those needles were for, and what the possible side effects of each one was, let alone getting them all at once? I highly doubt it. Unfortunately, people have bought into all this anti-vax BS started in the US And most of the people putting out the disinformation, were doing it for a financial gain. .

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Forced vax in military Empty Re: Forced vax in military

Post by Kramer Fri 31 May 2024, 13:37

bigrex wrote:I don't post very often these days, but I felt I had to chime in. As a service member, you have the right to refuse any order, including taking vaccinations, but you have to be prepared for the consequences of the refusal. And if you suffer any of the documented adverse effects from a vaccine, and it's severe and/or permanent, you may be entitled to a VAC pension for those conditions. That's how the military works.

Hi bigrex,

Hope you are doing well.

If you are suggesting that a soldier can refuse any order, well yes they can, but if the choice is either take this shot or you're out, that is coerced choice and certainly IMO not a fair choice of what goes into one's body, and that is what hundreds of soldiers are fighting for because they believe the same. The many who reluctantly took the precarious shot(s) needed money/their job. When you need to put food on the table for your kids/family ......that is a very tough choice. The one's who willing took the shot is a personal decision and I will not condemn anyone for whatever the reason(s) they may have.

Mefloquine was not much different. The military knew of the numerous risks but believed the risks were justified. Mr. Romeo Dallaire understands the politics involved all to well. And politics trumps health issues.....which I know first hand.

There are many reasons why the military is hugely struggling to get recruits, but one is just this reason....people don't want to be coerced into putting something, certainly poorly tested and rushed drugs into their bodies.....I totally get that.

As for submitting a claim?.......surprised to hear that! .......because many have tried just that over Mefloquine use and has proven to be absolutely in Canada under Trudeau/VAC anyways.
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Forced vax in military Empty Forced Vax in the CF

Post by okrod Fri 31 May 2024, 13:12


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Forced vax in military Empty Re: Forced vax in military

Post by bigrex Fri 31 May 2024, 09:06

I don't post very often these days, but I felt I had to chime in. As a service member, you have the right to refuse any order, including taking vaccinations, but you have to be prepared for the consequences of the refusal. And if you suffer any of the documented adverse effects from a vaccine, and it's severe and/or permanent, you may be entitled to a VAC pension for those conditions. That's how the military works.
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Forced vax in military Empty Re: Forced vax in military

Post by Kramer Thu 30 May 2024, 19:07

Guessing you weren't forced to take Mefloquine!...tell the people that really got messed up (and their loved ones) from it......

Well you signed on the dotted line. They makes everything alright huh.

Just because a person is a soldiers doesn't mean they should be used as guinea pigs. But it's obvious some do!
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Forced vax in military Empty Forced Vax in the CF

Post by okrod Thu 30 May 2024, 16:52

Sorry, Kramer, i have to disagree, The corona vaccine was created many years ago to combat SARS, just needed to be tweaked to treat a different strain, same as you do not get the same flu vaccine every year because of different strains. Vaccines and medication all have certain side effects for different people. Medicine is not an exact science that is why views change with new information. the actual issue here is should serving CF pers be forced to get it , Absolutely, when you signed on the dotted line you accepted that you did not have certain freedoms. If a soldier could legally refuse to follow CFAO policy, that is a clear derelict of duty and punishable under NDA. No different than refusing to carry out your sworn duty, because it has some degree of danger. Regardless of what detractors say, I believe we, Canada/CAF did a better job of handling the Covid issue with the least amount of fatalities than most countries. people need to stay the hell off the internet and taking advice from people like Dr. Buttar, and RFK Jr.

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Forced vax in military Empty Re: Forced vax in military

Post by Kramer Wed 29 May 2024, 21:06

We all have an opinion.

I happen to disagree with you. I happen to understand and know many people who regret getting the vaccine and most were forced to get it. Tell many people regret not getting the crap put in their bodies that was been poorly tested??

I have had numerous vaccines......ones that have been around for years not I am not an anti-vaxer. The long term effects of these vaccines that have been around, and are well known. I have read and watched those for and against......and lately more people are voicing their opinion how not only were they forced but got sickened by it. Some doctors are finally telling people to follow the evidence.

There are many people who notice no adverse affects and I am glad for them. Equally as glad as my wife and I chose not get it. Pfizer has even admitted the efficacy rate was no where near 94% advertised, but closer to the 30 - 40%, while others have been removed and no longer avail! Our government drank the kool ade and peddled the misinformation. Heck they even spent millions or our dollars to have a vaccine facility built a few years ago and has yet to provide one vaccine!

There is no herd immunity for this.

We were told to get the vaccine to protect the community ....B.S. It made no difference if you had the vaccine or was transmitted just as easily. Having the vaccine could help those who had..but it was not a guarantee. What having the vaccine could have helped with, was with the hospitals..and or nurses.

The vaccine, I am sure did help many, but it also condemned many others to a lifetime of health issues......but how does one prove it either way?

The real issue I have, is not whether someone took a shot or 6, but having a choice. Many people with compromised health opted to get it.....and it probably saved their life, but with some having one shot of Moderna and then Pfizer and then Johnson and Johnson and the various combinations created more issues (or possible issues) and the government gas-lighted millions..
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Forced vax in military Empty Forced Vax in the CF

Post by okrod Wed 29 May 2024, 15:28

The military is not a Democracy. Military need to be protected from certain diseases because they deploy to areas on short notice that require specific protection from various contagion and biological threats. I would not want to live in close quarters with comrades who refuse to respect the health and welfare of his/her comrades in arms. You need to have each others back, or the military is not for you. You are more suited to a Freedom convoy than a military convoy, besides you lost me when you mentioned you get your info from Epoch Times.

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Forced vax in military Empty Vax lawsuits

Post by czerv Mon 10 Jul 2023, 16:19

Vax injuries lawsuits (in military) are on the works according to the lawyer ....Smile
She also pointed interesting fact .... all the higher ups in command who refused to impose illegal vax mandates for military were promptly accused of sexual misconduct and fired.
Maybe it is common knowledge among the troops but I am retired, so no direct info for me ...

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Forced vax in military Empty Re: Forced vax in military

Post by czerv Sat 24 Jun 2023, 17:00

Looks like new lawsuit on the way ... Military being sued /class action/ by soldiers who were kicked to the curb for not taking part in the covid experiment:) News in Epoch Times

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Forced vax in military Empty Forced vax in military

Post by czerv Fri 28 Apr 2023, 10:00

Epoch Times has great articles about it.
Let see how long this post lasts.

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