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Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Sapper Zodiak
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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by Guest Fri 08 Aug 2014, 15:26

Navrat wrote:Well folks just checked the cra my account and there is a reassessment in progress. I called the cra my special line and was informed that no deemed taxes were applied to my calculations.So I guess they want to charge them to me even thou I got a workout sheet with none applied. Needless to say I contacted my MP who thinks this is bs and is investigating it. I will let you all know what happens, unhappy Navrat

Sincerely sorry to hear that Navrat. Stay strong.


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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by Sapper Zodiak Fri 08 Aug 2014, 13:48

Roger that trooper.
And the "list of monetary benefits" posted by VAC, courtesy of Fatheado, are grossly exagerated to make the civies think we are getting a windfall. Just shake my thing after another it seems. And just after a war too! No respect. They put us in the same light as garbage men or snow plow drivers. Needed professions all, but our special club is unique in our unwavering patriotism and self sacrifice.

Sapper Zodiak
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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by Guest Fri 08 Aug 2014, 10:21

Hello there Sapper,

I agree, it is absolutely cruel to apply this tax to us.

I think their pissed at us for having to do our 1198's,
you do understand that with all the miss of calculating
our 1198's shows how unprepared they were in handling it.

So now they hammer us with this DEEMED TAX.
They would have helped many Veterans out by
waiving this tax.

Bottom line here is that by choosing to apply these taxes to us,
shows the lack of respect they have for Veterans period.


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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by Sapper Zodiak Fri 08 Aug 2014, 09:54

I thought the QRLSP calculations were to have our money taxed in the year we should have received it, giving us the benefit of tax reduction. Then the feds hammer us with these deemed taxes...for what reason? It just seems mean-spirited to give someone a break with their qrlsp, then hit them with deemed tax penalties. I think the original intention for deemed taxes were to penalize someone for with holding taxes (evasion) or something. My deemed taxes exceed $30,000. I applied for relief, but obviously I could afford to pay them. It is just wrong though.

Sapper Zodiak
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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by Guest Fri 08 Aug 2014, 07:06

yes you can benefit from the 1198 as many but not all have ive said that all along myself and some think that's all well and fine for some not for me though because due to deemed tax people are paying 5000, 20000, or 50000 more in tax they never should have payed and for some the deemed tax are so high that they do not benefit at all.

if we were not given an 1198 and this was not considered a QRLSP . when everyone's taxes were done with the request for tax relief included NO ONE and I mean NO ONE would pay interest penalties or deemed tax . THAT benefits everyone more than the 1198 and if you really wanted to pay the deemed tax you could donate that amount to some government organization.

then everyone would be happy.



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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by Guest Thu 07 Aug 2014, 20:37

propat, without any doubt, it is crystal clear that many have benefited from the 1198, including myself.

I cannot speak for anyone else, however I think that if no 1198 was available, there would be 0 benefit.
In other words claiming it all in the one year, would have been the status quo, right across the board.
So as I have stated many times in the pass, you will either benefit from it, or not benefit from it.
Each and every dollar put back into our pockets, qualifies as a benefit.
So I am grateful for have been given the opportunity to use this 1198.
I am also grateful to Manulife for filling in the 1198, and sending it to me.

As far as the DEEMED TAX is concerned, yes you were bang on in what you have stated in regards to this tax.
My problem with this tax is that they were applied to some, as our tax returns were being completed by a bunch
of incompetence individuals, individuals who would not care one bit about any such benefits that were available to us.
We all witnessed it, Veterans getting assessed without the CRA calculating our 1198's.
Not informing us of the missed 1198, no remorse whatsoever, leaving already disable Veterans to contact their MP'S
for help.
I would have been ok with any DEEMED TAXES, but after I witnessed this whole cluster XXXX
I came to the conclusion that after all the stress placed upon us, by themselves,
I would have thought that they would find some compassion to allow for waiving these taxes.
The more I learn about their way of doing business, the more I acknowledge the greed that lies within the CRA.

Yes you are right, they have the right to charge DEEMED TAXES,

However they also have the right to waive these taxes.

So that is the thanks we get for serving our country, and to provide security, for the very same individuals who choose to apply these taxes.


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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by Guest Thu 07 Aug 2014, 16:54

boys i doubt there is a lot that escaped deemed tax a handful at best. the thing is by law they are legally entitled to collect this tax so they are.

if you had the money in hand in the past years but couldn't pay for some other reason could you apply for tax relief????  sure you can because you have to pay interest or penalties. and if you have a good reason you pay no additional amount at all because they will cancel the interest and penalties.

ahhhh but if you have the best reason of them all you didn't have the fracking money in the first place well you think you will be treated fairly for sure right????????

no fracking way ya see the GOC said this was a QRLSP and made fracking well sure you got an 1198 . that way you do not pay interest or penalties ( witch you can seek relief from and you have the most qualifying undeniable excuse to be accepted) but they charge you deemed TAX .  ya see the operative word TAX well you cannot seek relief from that.

thanks for the fracking 1198 GOC isn't that just fracking wonderful ohhhh the 1198 is just so fracking great.

yup if they give it to me its still a fracking QRLSP weather im using it or not so I used it .

but id seek relief just as fast if not faster from interest and penalties than the INTEREST PORTION OF THE QRLSP calculations ore deemed tax if you will.

so I really wish it wasn't classed as a QRLSP and I didn't an 1198 because I got the best excuse in the world and mountains of proof that this was through NO FAULT OF MY OWN .

if ya really think the GOC did you a big favor by making sure you got an 1198 then I guess you  haven't read a single thing I have written over the past year and a half or so.



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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by Guest Thu 07 Aug 2014, 16:20

Well I think the more MP'S that are involved, the better.


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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by K9 Thu 07 Aug 2014, 16:13

Hello all,
here is the last I got from CRA and my MP.
CRA is not processing my request to not pay the deemed tax. they are all referred to the same unit/person for a decision. They responded to my first demand saying that my 1198 was done correctly and all the calculation were right.
So they never gave me a real response to my request.
Now, they are really looking into it and I sent them more paperwork saying that those deemed tax are still a type of interest.

My MP had a meeting yesterday with fiscalists and they are looking into it to.

So for now, we have to wait and the moment I get news, I'll post it.

Another thing some people need to know. The T-1198 are mainly helpfull for those who had around 5 years or less retro.

For those who had more, here is one thing. Sisip/Manulife took a % off the retro to send to CRA. Around 25%, but they took zero off all the interest. Those interest are not included in the repartition in the T-1198 and those interest are all on the 2013 income tax year + all you earned in 2013. So those who took a large amount of RRSP and had a lot of lawyers fees, are going to be able to have the T_1198 help, and that is the reason why some who received large amounts had some return from CRA, but it was not the T-1198 that helped, it was taking RRSP and having big lawyers fees for the 2013 part that gave them a return.

Hope this helps some understand why some had a return, big, medium or small and some had no difference. If you need more info, PM me.

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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by Guest Thu 07 Aug 2014, 16:06

Navrat, not good news for sure, and I hope your MP can put a halt to this ASAP !

For discussion purpose's being that it has been quiet here on the site, I would like to speculate as to what is going on today
within the CRA, with reference to our 1198's.

First off it is clear that the tax relief center is now being flooded with the form RC4288E from members requesting relief
from this cruel, and hateful DEEMED TAXES that they have placed on most of us.
In my mind, and or view, the large amount of relief forms that have been sent in,
has caused the CRA to take a closer look as to why so many have sent in these forms.
After considering that all of these request, are all coming from the same source,
higher ups are now involved, and are addressing it the way in which they see fit.
I new that eventually this would end up on the desk of someone in high command.

Secondly, I know for a fact that, and investigation outside of the tax relief center,
has been launched into the charging of these DEEMED TAXES.
This investigation is directed to the headquarters of the CRA.
I also know that the investigation was launched on behalf of a number of Veterans.
I also know that a large number of Veterans were not charged DEEMED TAXES.

In closing, I think that charging Veterans DEEMED TAXES, on pass money that was
payed to us by order of a judge, and is clearly not the fault of the Veterans,
is cruel, and unjust.
Eventually the media is going to pick this up, and the cruelty will come to light.


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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by Guest Thu 07 Aug 2014, 14:48

Well folks just checked the cra my account and there is a reassessment in progress. I called the cra my special line and was informed that no deemed taxes were applied to my calculations.So I guess they want to charge them to me even thou I got a workout sheet with none applied. Needless to say I contacted my MP who thinks this is bs and is investigating it. I will let you all know what happens, unhappy Navrat


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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by Guest Thu 07 Aug 2014, 14:08

Well calculating your 1198 has benefited you in the amount of $9100.
Not all that bad, took long enough to get er done.

Wait for them to send you the 1198 calculation sheet, then you will know the amount of DEEMED TAXES they charged you.


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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by peep Thu 07 Aug 2014, 12:24

Looks like they did a forth assessment on me. Looks like I went from owning over $24,000 to only owning $14,900. Helps but will still hurt me for a long time. So the CRA site says. I was a 2008 Med release.
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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by pinger Mon 04 Aug 2014, 20:38

Teen said,

"Here is the ultimate head scratcher...the more time the CRA takes to process claims the more the GoC has to pay interest to those who paid the full amount for their 2013 taxes! So how is that saving tax dollars????"

It don't. Where's the tax saving dollars go hmmm? Interest? Don't make sense right? Think. Kinda like a goc work in progress meets a make work project? goc has fineprint for their benefit and coffers teen, not ours. We need to find a senior retired and disillusioned cra accountant for our back pocket. A few out there...  Wink  pinger.

Last edited by pinger on Mon 04 Aug 2014, 20:39; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : space bar)
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Stay on top of the CRA !!! - Page 20 Empty Re: Stay on top of the CRA !!!

Post by Guest Mon 04 Aug 2014, 10:00

Absolutely, interest given to those that benefited from the 1198, and paid what they owed by the due date.

However, keep in mind that the recoup from "DEEMED TAXES" far outweigh any interest paid from the delay in calculating our 1198.

That being said, in my case at the end, it did turn out ok for me, my anger is set towards the way in which the CRA handled our 1198's.

One cannot discount the fact that most returns in today's world are sent via electronic, that in itself may be one reason for this cluster XXXX.

However, did we not contact the CRA by the hundreds requesting info regarding the 1198 ? Before we even received our tax slips ?

People, the CRA was given a heads up before we even sent in our returns, so in my mind excuses just does not cut it !


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