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Vrab help

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Vrab help Empty Re: Vrab help

Post by propat Sat 28 Jul 2018, 10:37

hey buds you go get em . im just another dumb grunt 2RCR 20 years and proud ta be one . one thing just because you don't have the records doesn't mean they don't exist. get your medical records and go through them you WILL be surprised at the evidence you WILL find . DND does have records as well as bigrex pointed out . if ya need an aid to memoire for witnesses dates ect, you may be in luck . most infantry units keep a war diary that records even the most mundane crap from the beginning of work up training to repatriation that they keep with the unit . if you ask to view this your request will be granted .

good luck buds .


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Vrab help Empty Re: Vrab help

Post by Rustytheviking Wed 18 Jul 2018, 22:50

Thanks for the replies. After going over the denial letter and copy of the adjudicators reasoning, I realized that they are grasping at technicality’s to deny me. I’ll hit them with all I got, as this should have been sorted years ago. Thanks again

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Vrab help Empty Re: Vrab help

Post by bigrex Wed 18 Jul 2018, 10:30

Well, there you go, that is one angle you can use. You reported the incident to medical staff, twice, and they never ordered any tests, or follow-up appointments. Therefor they acted in a negligible way, which could have caused the condition to get worse. Also, if they didn't record those visits in your medical file, there has to be a record of the incident with DND, listing everyone who was involved. So all you would need is a copy of an incident report from your unit, or even written testimonies of other soldiers who were also in that attack. Their support would be powerful, especially if they did receive benefits from that same attack.

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Vrab help Empty Re: Vrab help

Post by Newf Wed 18 Jul 2018, 08:59

Rusty the Viking,
Perhaps, a copy of all your medical records from early in your life (e.g age 18yrs) to present day may help you. Maybe you have already explored this but I though I may mentioned it to you. Maybe these records can show you never seen a doctor for treatment of a brain injury prior to the military incident involving an rpg. This info may help in proving your injury is service related.
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Vrab help Empty Re: Vrab help

Post by Rustytheviking Wed 18 Jul 2018, 08:52

No paperwork. Dumb grunt here. Got hit on my last patrol. We had a skeleton crew as most started the rip process with 3-08 crew. I got knocked out, came to a flight through the fight. Ruptured my eardrum as well(which I got a da for). I joked about it, not thinking it was serious, felt it was a good war story. Told the medic when we got back to fob. Told to see role 3 in kaf since we were heading there in a few days. Went to see medics at kaf and told to wait till I got home as that was in a week or so. Got home, saw doc as part of end tour crap and was told, “someone should have looked at you. Oh well, you didn’t die”. And that was the last I cared about it till late 2009 when a friend of mine passed from head wound he suffered in 2006. Had the usual mir runaround appointments. On top of that I had ptsd and was heavily medicated. It’s funny how every piece of paperwork I did asked if I had a head injury, which I checked yes, yet nothing was done about it.

Fast forward to 2015, doing neurofeedback with a doc and they ask if I had a head injury. At this point I would love to have the vrab panel in a c can and throw t flashes in there so they get an idea what concussion is like

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Vrab help Empty Re: Vrab help

Post by propat Tue 17 Jul 2018, 21:47

this should go back to the initial injury . an RPG blast/shrapnel causing any injury usually produces a pile of paperwork both on the units side and the medical side . here in lies all the evidence you need . make sure you collect all you can before your appeal .


CSAT Member

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Vrab help Empty Re: Vrab help

Post by Rustytheviking Tue 17 Jul 2018, 17:37

my doctors agree I have a brain injury. Sorry about that. I have never had any head injuries while serving, or before or after my service. I have been pushing for the benefit of the doubt aspect, but I think the lawyers going for maximum proof I guess. Hence why I was confused at why Vac denied how the injury happened but not that I have a brain injury.

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Vrab help Empty Re: Vrab help

Post by bigrex Tue 17 Jul 2018, 17:13

Well, then your lawyer needs to really push the benefit of doubt angle. If there is nothing else in your medical history, outside of the military, that could have caused a TBI, then they need to justify the denial. TBI's don't just happen from falling out of bed.

And when you say that your Dr's agree, are they agreeing with VAC's assessment, or with yours? It's just a little unclear.
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Vrab help Empty Vrab help

Post by Rustytheviking Tue 17 Jul 2018, 14:27

Hello. So I’m in an awkward place with my da decision. Vac in their infinite wisdom do believe I have a brain injury, but they don’t think that an rpg blast and shrapnel caused it. So now I have to get doctors opinions on this. And that’s where I’m stumped. Both my neurologist and neuropsychologist agree, so what other experts opinions could I get?

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