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Harassment & Discrimination at VAC

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Harassment & Discrimination at VAC Empty Re: Harassment & Discrimination at VAC

Post by Teentitan Wed 03 Feb 2021, 11:25

More like we can't use the lack of manpower excuse anymore so let's go with the new Liberal Party of Canada Iron Clad Excuse......workplace harassment with a pinch of sexual assault on the side to catch the squirters, like Vance.

I've been a veteran for 24 years and this is turning into one of the most massive FUBAR.  

Sorry fellow veterans but we are royally screwed without the blue or the tattoo just plain ol' raw dog screwed!
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Harassment & Discrimination at VAC Empty Harassment & Discrimination at VAC

Post by Kramer Tue 02 Feb 2021, 20:07


Veterans have/are discriminated against and now the union says there is discrimination (1 in 3) within the department....hmmmmm the expression "kick the dog" comes to mind. Shocked

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Registration date : 2015-03-19

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