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Canada Disability Benefit update

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Canada Disability Benefit update Empty Canad's Disability Benefit Update

Post by Kramer Wed 28 Jun 2023, 11:35

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Canada Disability Benefit update Empty Canada Disability Benefit update

Post by Kramer Tue 07 Feb 2023, 09:25

"A government bill aiming to lift Canadians with disabilities out of poverty is working its way through the Senate after MPs voted unanimously to pass it late last week.

If it clears the Senate, the Canada Disability Benefit Act, or Bill C-22, will provide tax-free, monthly payment to low-income Canadians with disabilities under the age of 65. It would be the first federal guaranteed income supplement for working-age Canadians with disabilities and is meant to top up inconsistent provincial and territorial benefits to bring people at least up to the poverty line.

Precisely how much the benefit will be and who will be eligible to claim it has not yet been specified. That, and more, will be decided when regulations are developed, which will happen within a year after the legislation comes into force.

“This legislation will make a major, major difference in many people's lives,” said Al Mills, executive director of Extend-A-Family Waterloo Region, on behalf of the organization and the 2,000 adults and children with developmental disabilities that use its services. “Disability should not equal poverty in Canada … but it currently does for many, many people,” Mills told Canada’s National Observer.

Nearly 917,000, or 23 per cent of working-age Canadians with disabilities, live in poverty, according to the most recent Canadian Survey on Disability, from 2017.

“We often hear about (how) Parliament is so divided … But for disabled people, the sense that everybody was behind us, and we've seen them do it twice now, for second and third reading, is just a wonderful testament that Parliament can come together to do the right thing,” Michelle Hewitt, co-chair of the board of Disability Without Poverty, told Canada’s National Observer in an interview Feb. 3. Hewitt has fairly advanced multiple sclerosis and is a full-time power wheelchair user.

She says the delay to work out the details will ensure the new benefit is done right. The development of regulations allows time and space for people with disabilities and organizations that serve them to be consulted on the workings of the bill, which would not have been possible to the same extent if everything was laid out in the legislation.

“It's a massive leap of faith,” said Hewitt. “If there is not a fulsome involvement of disabled people when it comes to regulations then disabled people are going to feel sold down the river.”

The mantra of disabled people around the world is “nothing about us without us,” and the 2019 Accessible Canada Act was built on the premise there must be “full consultation and involvement of disabled people in anything the government does that involves us,” she said.

Developing these regulations will be the first real test.

Hewitt said she is “trying very hard” to remain optimistic that disabled people will be invited to the table with bureaucrats to craft the rules."
CSAT Member

Number of posts : 690
Location : Where I live
Registration date : 2015-03-19

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