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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Sapper Zodiak
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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by Guest Wed 16 Jan 2013, 14:14

Whoever believes the subject line of this post needs mental health intervention fast, this agreement is solid , good and hopefully will be approved the sooner the better. RCR


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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by beleaf67 Wed 16 Jan 2013, 01:02

would truly love to vote on the issue as to whether or not the deal, is a good one! The problem I have with voting is that I can honestly state, without reservation or embarrassment, is that I don't know exactly what to vote, yes or no! The overwhelming amount of conflicting advice and massive confusion regarding the proposed settlement, is simply, depressing! One could argue the case, that those affected, should employ independent counsel so as to untangle the web of complexities posted to this site! It befuddles me as to why there isn't some representation from the legal team advising affected members about their options, concerns, confusions, hopes and fears! Why not, for example, hold extensive forums on this site and let the legal team field questions from the affected members over an extensive period of time frames, not 1 or two hours on the day of the release of the proposed settlement! Additionally, why not hold a closed meeting somewhere in the great city of Halifax where affected members of the class can ask questions and get some clarifications regarding their situations? This is nearly a one billion dollar suit! It would seem to me, that a comprehensive and personal explanation to those affected would be common sense! I'm more confused than ever and I've followed this issue much earlier than the certification proceedings! I've read countless articles and analyzed dozens of opinion pieces over the years. I was completely familiar with the issue at hand and believe it or not, was one of the affected persons who complained to the President of SISIP and then Defense Minister, Bill Graham, way back in 2004 when I became one of the so called zero summed! I simply can't vote yes or no, because I'm being asked to vote on something that I, and I would dare to guess, the majority could not accurately explain with regard to how this settlement will play out when talking the practical considerations of tax implications, retro calculations or associated legal fees.
Notwithstanding my concerns, I must say that I was elated when Mr. Manuge, garnered the impressive courage to fight this battle on my, and others behalf, who were unable to do so, due to multiple health issues. It still amazes me, sitting here tonight, how that gentleman managed to gather the intestinal fortitude, and decided that he was going to fight this fight! It's not like he was losing a great amount of money, and in the end, he wasn't going to win a great amount of money! His only explanation for doing this was, principle! Imagine, principle! I don't know this gentleman, never met him, never spoke to him and I have had zero communication with him over the years! Yet, this man stands up, tells his story, looks into a TV camera and tells me, and others like me, that he's going to do this for those who can't fight the fight! Amazing! I still can't believe that people like this still exist in today's world. Just when you you're about to lose faith in humanity and in the basic goodness of people, this gentleman stands up and states, that he's going to fight for others, based on principle! It's almost surreal in a way! I never thought that I would see the day, when this unfair practice would be terminated! But, here we are!
Meeting Mr. Manuge would be an honor and a privilege to say the least. I'm sure his wife and children must be very proud and elated with his stance and his determination in defending what was the right thing to do! I would like to make the suggestion that this gentleman must have been raised in an extremely grounded and nurturing environment! His parents and community must have instituted wonderful values. How else to explain the sacrifices of time, energy, stress, health and reputation in tackling such an issue simply based on the time honored premise of, principle! I find that this man's efforts has reinvigorated the sense of purpose in my own life. Not because I may end up with some financial resources that I felt were unjustly expropriated from me and my family and now will be returned at some point, but rather, this gentleman has demonstrated what it means to take and make a stand for those less able or capable! Mr. Manuge, I thank you in part for fronting this Class Action Suit, but mostly for affecting me personally by your selfless efforts in pursuing what was the right thing to do! Thank You!



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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by Guest Mon 14 Jan 2013, 09:23

Ya I had that figured out to.


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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by peep Mon 14 Jan 2013, 09:22

Thanks George. My sisip mew CM is just evil
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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by Guest Mon 14 Jan 2013, 09:13

Peep slow down, sond to me like you are alone in the world fighten of a imagenary enemy. Slow down, slow down. Keep your head on and think. We still have 29 days before accepting the deal! Maybe you could try geing calm when talking to the law office. You need to lurn to accept you faith, I know I was mad as hell for 6 years because I am not what I use to be. Never got anywhere until I dissided to just be how and what I am. Now I can't do mush but I smile every day of my life.


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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by peep Mon 14 Jan 2013, 08:26

Called sisip and was told to phone the law office. They have no start request on me!

Law office has not called me/emailed me back in weeks
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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by peep Sun 13 Jan 2013, 23:50

Thanks. I will call tomorrow
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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by Wife of a Veteran Sun 13 Jan 2013, 23:42


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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by bigrex Sun 13 Jan 2013, 23:41

Navrat, what Peter has said to me in a PM

" I think what is being confused here is that I said, before we apply the mechanics of how we propose to get paid out of the retro, that by dropping to 7.5% from 30%, that Class Members would generally receive 92.5% of the offset plus interest."

So 93% of the class aren't benefiting from the proposal, he is stating that by charging 7.5% of the overall proposal, class members should see 92.5% of the overall settlement award. But since the majority are not getting any future payments, and won't see a cent of over 450 million dollars that is added to the overall proposal, they aren't being charged 7.5% for legal fees. We are paying more than double that amount, plus the extra 2% so that you can get your future payment free of any obligation to the lawyers.
So that actual percentage being used means that class members will only see around 82% of the total retroactive part of the award after legal fees are deducted.
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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by Guest Sun 13 Jan 2013, 23:11

Big Rex, I am not trying to be an asshole, but I can not believe you guys don't believe Peter, he's a lawyer, plus why, and for the life of me I can't figure this out, would he come on here and mislead us or damage the reputation of his law firm. Everybody says its a great deal, I just believe you guys got it wrong and I am done talking about legal fees, I think it's fair and Peter said its fair to 93 percent!, Peter has not lied or misled me from the beginning , he's been truthfully, remember the 60 percent quote, so I stand in his corner!


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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by peep Sun 13 Jan 2013, 23:08

Wife, how did you find that out?

Navrat, he is right!
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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by bigrex Sun 13 Jan 2013, 23:05

OK Nav, tell me exactly how much you will earn until 65, and I'll prove to you that we are not paying the same legal fees for what we are entitled to. I am paying over $8000 to get back $46000 after the interest is added.
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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by Guest Sun 13 Jan 2013, 22:43

I have calculated how much money I will earn till 65 and I feel like I won the flipping lotto max, Congradulations go out to Dennis and McInnes Cooper, who with the results they got us , I would follow into any battle blindly, oh , just a thought , everyone is getting exactly what is owed to them, and what they are entitled too, that's very important , entitled too, now everybody get off here and get a good nights sleep and think about how we cleaned up with legal fees of only 17 percent versus the 30 percent we Agreed too!, and don't forget the 93 percent , how can we forget them!


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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by Guest Sun 13 Jan 2013, 22:33

Nah, I am trying to get the lawyers to split the legal fees evenly, that's the only fair way, one person, one legal fee!, if some want to argue its the settlement , then I will go to the other extreme, I just wish and encourage anyone who doesn't like the settlement the way it is to opt out, why not , put your money where your mouth is, you have a choice, opt out, then no problems! But nobody is going to change the 93 percent, nobody


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Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed - Page 2 Empty Re: Those class members who are not reinstated are getting hosed

Post by bigrex Sun 13 Jan 2013, 22:29

Ok Navrat, why don't they calculate dhow much money you will earn until 65 and then charge you 15.7% of that to be reduced from your retro. The future payment s aren't welfare, you have to pay the lawyers for getting you that money.
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