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ELB Class Action Law Suit

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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by jack22 Wed 12 Sep 2018, 08:40

My english is not that good ! But it look like there is a Settlement. MDLO site remain silent, but on the court docket entrie doc number 24 on 10 sept said The Court's decision is with regard to Case Management Conference Result: "THIS COURT ORDERS that the Notice of Settlement attached as Annex A is approved." 
Hope it look good for all of us.

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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by EZRider Tue 04 Sep 2018, 15:34

EZRider wrote:Again, from the MDLO site....things seem to be picking up pace.  

"The parties appeared in Federal Court for a Case Conference on June 7, 2018 before Madam Justice Kane.

The parties will continue settlement discussions and will appear again before Madam Justice Kane on July 11, 2018 to discuss future scheduling.

A further announcement will be made at that time."

Another conference this Friday the 7th of Sept 18', any bets on the outcome?

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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by EZRider Sat 07 Jul 2018, 15:01

Again, from the MDLO site....things seem to be picking up pace.

"The parties appeared in Federal Court for a Case Conference on June 7, 2018 before Madam Justice Kane.

The parties will continue settlement discussions and will appear again before Madam Justice Kane on July 11, 2018 to discuss future scheduling.

A further announcement will be made at that time."

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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by EZRider Sun 06 May 2018, 12:45

From the MDLO site. I'm sure those involved in the class are aware of this but here it is anyways. Hopefully it's settled before the end of the year.

"APRIL 28, 2018. Discussions and meetings with the Department of Justice are continuing. The parties remain engaged in dialogue, and are hopeful that a resolution is within reach. They have informed the Court of the negotiations. Going forward, the parties have requested that a case management conference be scheduled in May 2018 to deal with issues arising from the negotiations.

Class members will continue to be regularly informed on this site of progress and milestones achieved. Requests for individual updates cannot be provided. Please stay tune".

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Number of posts : 117
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Registration date : 2013-07-25

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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by Guest Mon 19 Feb 2018, 09:30


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be advised that the following update has been posted to


“Class counsel are currently engaged in discussions with the Department of Justice with a view to finding a resolution to the class claims. Given the size of the two classes, and the diversity and complexity of class members’ claims, the discussions could take some months.  Class Members will be kept informed of significant developments as information becomes available.”


“Les parties sont présentement au stade « Examen et Intérrogatoire préalable« . Elles ont maintenant complété la divulgation réciproque des liasses de documents pertinents en leur possession respective. Les parties doivent maintenant se mettre d’accord sur un plan pour procéder aux  « Interrogatoires au préalable« . On s’attend à ce que ceux-ci aient lieu au plus tard ce à l’automne 2017. Toute autre nouvelle sera communiquée le plus rapidement possible sur ce site. “


We are hopeful that these discussions may assist in settling this matter.


Yours truly,




Joshua M. Juneau
Barrister & Solicitor / Avocat-notaire

tel  (613) 236-2657 x201
fax (613) 236-7476


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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by EZRider Thu 04 Jan 2018, 13:48

I was hoping for something more from the MDLO in December.....not sure how long the SISIP class action took to settle and I assumed, perhaps others as well, that it would have set precedence and the ELB law suit would be settled quickly.

I guess we'll just have to watch the MDLO website for updates, can't imagine any news on this matter coming from anywhere else.

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Number of posts : 117
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Registration date : 2013-07-25

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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by sailor964 Tue 02 Jan 2018, 07:26

So I'm guessing because the extended the date to xmas time for them to gather more intel, at what point in time do you think we would hear more about dates and times on the ELB Lawsuit?
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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by Guest Fri 29 Dec 2017, 10:32

Welcome back government man. Rexy call you?
What's up not enough brain power between him and teen to take on a corporal. Just stating facts and telling the truth.
Delete me trooper( get me the fuck out of here) o wait, you can't top brass took your superpowers!!!


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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by Guest Fri 29 Dec 2017, 10:22

Well looks like Trooper just came back to the island today.

Let’s welcone Trooper our newest CSAT member back.


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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by propat Fri 29 Dec 2017, 10:11

yes my dear after changing rule after rule then deleting posts of mine containing no broken rules but FACT about the differences between the PA and NVC and showing the proper way to respond to those political tricks that try to show the greatness of the NVC . we were heeding down the road of an almost Orwellian system here . after all the attempts to goat me into breaking the NEW rules I think he gust got frustrated I was able to say what I wanted to by skirting around the rules without breaking them lol. so he booted me off the island for not breaking the rules .

anyhow that to did pass as it all does . ya just keep on keeping on and smile . because ya see these guys never succeed in putting us down they just keep making us stronger .

PS; I have many islands all different but there is good in all of them I just focus on that and everything turns out just fine .

always question authority


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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by By the Bay Thu 28 Dec 2017, 22:07

propat wrote:bigrex the RULES changed AFTER tropper took over. you know this . I was ejected for only one reason . I disagreed with him when he said bearcats were responsible for the NVC  me knowing that they didn't have the final say but politicians do when they vote it up or down . every fracking one of the politicians for every party voted for this . that's why I say THEY are to blame . during are back and forth I broke none of HIS rules or the rules of the past but he broke his own rules many times I'm guessing in an attempt to goat me into breaking the . he fail and ejected me anyway . now the rules have changed back for the better again and there isn't someone ejecting the biggest supporters of quality on here one after another after another for any reason he choses .



I didn't know Trooper voted you off the island! I had assumed you won millions of loonies in the lottery and bought your own island paradise! Lol

By the Bay
By the Bay
By the Bay
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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by propat Wed 27 Dec 2017, 11:34

bigrex the RULES changed AFTER tropper took over. you know this . I was ejected for only one reason . I disagreed with him when he said bearcats were responsible for the NVC  me knowing that they didn't have the final say but politicians do when they vote it up or down . every fracking one of the politicians for every party voted for this . that's why I say THEY are to blame . during are back and forth I broke none of HIS rules or the rules of the past but he broke his own rules many times I'm guessing in an attempt to goat me into breaking the . he fail and ejected me anyway . now the rules have changed back for the better again and there isn't someone ejecting the biggest supporters of equality on here one after another after another for any reason he choses .


Last edited by propat on Fri 29 Dec 2017, 09:46; edited 1 time in total

CSAT Member

Number of posts : 321
Location : nb canada
Registration date : 2017-12-06

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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by Guest Wed 27 Dec 2017, 10:10

When the fog lifts Steelgunner I can count to 100 and time off the alphabet too. Lol airlog no need to leave I've been trying to get off csat for days. This site is for a little younger crowd, I was just here to let yous know yous have the right to to speak up and defend yourselves!
Joke once and awhile to it's good for you life with injuries is serious enough let csat not only be a place of learning, but also a place of enjoyment. Laughter heals...


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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by AirLog Wed 27 Dec 2017, 08:11

You actually impressed me too. I was about to delete this site mainly because of Wildthing and his comments. But I shall reconsider based on his latest post. A lot more meaning now to what you argue. I don't necessarily agree with all you say, but that is democracy. We are all entitled to our opinion. As long as we keep it respectful. My apologies for what I have thought of you.

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ELB Class Action Law Suit Empty Re: ELB Class Action Law Suit

Post by Guest Wed 27 Dec 2017, 07:58

Wildthing wrote:Ok people I don't know what army life was like when you served but people didn't cry when I joined, swearing was the passion, drinking too, although being not much of a drinker I was labeled as anti-social and it was on an annual report lol. Im not the hug it out type of guy I've been threw alot like most here it has affected us mentally and caused serious injury. We argue yes, we strongly disagree at times.
Not everything's going to be sugar coated you need these bumps to create bond's in some cases. What most cannot stand is freedom's removed. I'll protect any individual that is physically threatened and risk my life in the process like many here, I will also speak the way choose because I have been quelled enough in my life. Straight up no B'S from me, no political correctness, if I feel it's wrong I'll tell you. I've apologized a few times on csat when proven wrong. Your men act like it, and the ladies who engage identify yourselves as such and yous will be treated with the utmost respect. This country is politically correcting itself right out of existence. Trooper was full of shit no other way to put it a politically correct bully hiding behind a keyboard with his finger on delete. I personally don't think he was ever in the military my opinion, a government staffer with partisan party agenda to squash any threat to the alphabet awards.
So take note veteran's and csat member's are on high alert when individual's post remarks defending everything as being awesome when clearly not everything is awesome or equal. Black and white, right and wrong is what most of us identify with, truth and honour.

Wild, I am very impressed with your post. One of your better post, it’s clear and to the point.


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