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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Wife of a Veteran
Sapper Zodiak
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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Thu 06 Dec 2012, 08:46

well foundry it is kinda like a union here and you know how much of a threat that a union can be to the powers that be.things get hotter when we are disscussing important issues.ive been silenced many times bringing up some ofe these issues a couple of times on here.but since i belive the deal is done we no longer have a chance to affect it.all we can do now is hope its a good deal witch i think it will be ore prepare for the war that will definately follow a bad prepared foundry i am.are you?


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Thu 06 Dec 2012, 08:35

Thanks propat I just can't take to much more of this no news is good news bull any more that line all is positive is nothing to me with out some sort of backing to it, who do they think we are just a bunch of brainless jerks that will just shut up and take it after the mad man was on the other day that got me to thinking when he said that he was going for the complete and utter distruction of this site who the F is this guy and how much info can he already have that makes him so high and mighty that makes us on this site such a threat to him and the others we spread the word and talk about the issues and he or they get pissed off well maybe it is time to set up plan B, C, and D just in case have a open public meeting some were for all those that can make it set up car pools what ever to discus this package if and when it comes out I for one would like to meat some people face to face and hear what they have to say about it in person before it is to late, before it is shoved down our collective throughts


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Thu 06 Dec 2012, 08:20

foundry great peice loved it.


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Thu 06 Dec 2012, 08:11

I stand with Greatfoot time to plug up some drainage with some crap.

The across the floor shuffle in the house of commons yesterday is what we need to see happen over this issue in a lot of places in my opinion.

Yes violence never solves anything, well in this country being right and following the rules never gets you very far or garenties you 100% of what was taken from you buy the people you trusted to lead, They make up the laws that we are suppose to follow and they brake them at will with out care or cosequence.

This bull (carp) has gone on long enough and now the talk about the gag order being extended one date leading to another date and so on and so on. The fact that we have all been more than patient with the lack of information due to this so called gag order that causes more harm than it does good and that in it's self should speak volumes to every one who is reading these fourms, for the sake of what causing more damage to veterans? getting the upper hand in the negotiation? well if that is the case hope you sleep well.

We maybe happy with the out come WHEN this is all over but if half of us are kicked to the curve due to red tape and back door deals that we had no knowledge of due to this gag order and there is no way of getting back at the GOC because of this signed deal who's heads will roll then? of course we have been told we get 30 days to read over the deal but what will it tell us and how will we be able to under stand it when we have so little to go on, do you think they will dumb it down for those of us who have not gone to law school for 7 years? Yes I will have to get a lot of help to fully understand it if and when it comes!

A brief note to all parties who are reading for the sake of keeping tabs are you enjoying what you are doing to the veterans and their families who stepped up to the line when we were needed and did what needed to be done, our job and our duty now it is time for you to do yours, honour your commitment to us DO THE RIGHT THING.

end of my thoughts for today


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Thu 06 Dec 2012, 07:26

greatfoot not to worry buds the goc cut a deal in part becouse they didnt want to be fighting this anywhere neer the next ellection.i dont think they will want to delay payment any longer than they have to.sorry to say though buds i think and again just my oppinion they have to right now at least till the next budget.i really hope im wrong though,


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Wed 05 Dec 2012, 22:35


Last edited by Greatfoot on Tue 12 Feb 2013, 21:44; edited 1 time in total


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Wed 05 Dec 2012, 19:09

sparrow they have already gone through are files thats why only aprox 900 sum zeros made the list.thoes that were already reciving a reduced check and they had to top up cannot be denied they know that.the sum zeroes that are now getting a check they pritty much know they cant denie unless something comes back in the forms we filled out that they didnt already know.the only ones that will take time are thoes sum zeroes that they found some sliver of crap on thoes are the ones that didnt make the list and will need proxies.this will not stop them from paying the vast majority that dont need proxies.they will not waste thies time and money trying to stop from paying clients that they have no reason not to pay and they know they will eventually have to pay anyway just so the government can keep the governments money a little longer.if it was their money well maybe.but again they have 6 months to verify the aprox 900 cliants on the list way more than enough time.


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Wed 05 Dec 2012, 18:51

I know how admin works in the military and corporations and I am sorry to say based on the pattern emerging with this case that we are not going to see our money in april or may or june for sure. The reason I say this is simple. when the courts get this finalized, sisip will get a timeline to implement this ruling and when i say implement it doesn't mean finalized..sisip will tell the courts they will need x amount of time to hire, create programming, policies for safety checks et al.and that will require lots of time this way they can take their sweet time..meanwhile sisip will internally scour through our files and weed us out on the smallest of infractions....that takes manpower and lots of doesn't matter if the gov says they have the money in 2013 what matters is that they will take their time within the for the lawyers, I have lost respect only because they allow their plaintiff to behave they way he has which tells me they are not in control of things and secondly and more telling, that they keep feeding us false information and dangle a ripe carrot infront of our faces hoping we will be mezmerized by its beautiful color....


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Wed 05 Dec 2012, 18:45

yes sparrow but they have to be complete in the time alloted 6 months by order.the calcs will not be done by hand just on the computer all info verifide in the packages and the final packages is all they need to create the formula.i can do that in an hour ore two on my own by sorry to say i dont think it will be from mid to end april but i garantee you it will not go beond 2013 if the deal gets ratified.


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Wed 05 Dec 2012, 18:42

Yes , Rex, nothing is in writing , even the new court docs don't say what dates have been dropped, but this is the issue, not letting us know Leeds to al sorts of speculation and really heightens the stress level of all. Why can't the law firm give us something ,the settlement is done, so why prolong the suffering, just tell us and we can get on with our lives? Also this very very very positive statement is going to cause alot of trouble because if the settlement is not very very very positive it's going to break alot of us.


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by bigrex Wed 05 Dec 2012, 18:35

Guys and gals, I think that this will be resolved in January or Feb at the latest. The court dates are set for two full days. This will be plenty of time for the Judge to hear any last minute statements by any Veterans wishing to do so, hear the lawyers breakdown of the costs, and make a decision on both. After all the Judge will have a copy of the agreement for over 30 days, if he already doesn't have it ( I still haven't read anything that definitively states that the dates have been pushed back), and if the numbers present at past hearings that were open to us are any predictor, the personal testimonies could be done on the first morning, leaving a lot of time to suss all the other stuff out.
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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Wed 05 Dec 2012, 18:23

I understand propat but coming from an admin background I can say that even if sisip have the funds available does not mean getting it to the clients is going to happen automatically. Sisip will be given a turn around phrase to go through the files and make the calculations and that will take months and months. In terms of you saying they were already given 6 months to sort out the files, they are still in the infancy stages of that process as well.I believe they have till end Feb 2013 to respond to the questionairres sent in recently so it is not a quick process. Sisip is still hiring and training staff as we speak for this purpose, not only for the admin but also for finance and computer programs I am assuming. They also have to create a safety check system in place for staff and files when processing these claims to double check and cross the t's and dot the i's. Sorry to say it this way but it will not happen as we are made to believe. Sisip will always be in the driver seat and they will take the scenic route to get us our funds and files sorted.


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Wed 05 Dec 2012, 18:19

I hope so but with these constant delays and push back of dates, who really knows, I guess it was just wishful thinking that this would be over in Jan


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Wed 05 Dec 2012, 18:13

sparrow they were already given 6 months to sort out the files and since the money fore the cost of the class action was added to the 2013 budjet the money will be on hand april 1st and avalible to them shortly there after.


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

Post by Guest Wed 05 Dec 2012, 17:58

I hate to be the voice of reason here but quite realistically it may not even be 2013 that we get our money because once the decisions are agreed upon by the powers that be, there will be a discretionary period set out by the courts where sisip will be given to make the turn around of admin and financing. Sisip will be given a timeline to go through each file and believe me it won't be a 30 day turn over in Apr 2013 probably the following year before it gets completely sorted. There will be more staff to hire, claims to process et al. Who knows, could sisip just declare bankruptsy like Nortel did. I believe we are no where near a conclusion at this point in time and we should not be given false hope for a speedy cheque come the first quarter of 2013 because it won't happen.


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Legal Fees (Assorted Topics) - Page 62 Empty Re: Legal Fees (Assorted Topics)

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