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Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

By the Bay
Sapper Zodiak
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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by bigrex Mon 12 Aug 2019, 21:03

Technically we do, The new pension, even if reduced because of previous lump sums, is officially called Pain and Suffering Compensation (PSC). Then if you qualify, you get the Additional Pain and Suffering Compensation (APSC), which used to be the CIA.
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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by SDSNJF Sun 11 Aug 2019, 06:45

So why do we not recieve the pain and suffering?

This whole system seems like a crook the more I learn about it...and I don't say that because we can't get a lump sum.

To have to fight this hard for something that you all deserve is mind blowing.

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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by bigrex Sun 11 Aug 2019, 00:00


The APSC, is basically a re-branding of the old CIA, They simply rounded the 3 grades down to the nearest $500 mark, and made it tax free. It cannot be taken as a lump sum.
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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by SDSNJF Sat 10 Aug 2019, 21:40

Another question.....because it'll be a week before VAC responds to my email.

We recieve, IRB, Additional Pain and Compensation and Additional monthly amount. CIAS APPLICATION is still in progress.

1) Does the Additional Pain and Compensation (this is not the same as Pain and Suffering...or are they the same thing..) still offer a lump sum payout option. If yes, great. If no, why not?

2) Does anyone know what the additional monthly amount is from?

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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by Guest Sat 10 Aug 2019, 11:35

cdnnavy77 wrote:A member on here was told that Mid to late march would be completed in the October time frame, So more likely Nov, Dec.  the waiting does suck
Yes, that was me. I called on Friday just to check what month they are working on and I was told that they are still working on February. They've been on February since May, so I think the lady who told me the October estimate may be accurate. Who knows....things may pick up after the summer vacation season is over. (Fingers crossed!)

Have a good weekend!


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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by cdnnavy77 Sat 10 Aug 2019, 11:29

A member on here was told that Mid to late march would be completed in the October time frame, So more likely Nov, Dec. the waiting does suck

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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by SDSNJF Fri 09 Aug 2019, 22:14

CIAS APPLICATION submitted March 18th and still heard nothing back. No change in payments Nada...this waiting game gets old.

Had a year old reassessment come back this week and they now after a year want their vac doctor to assess my TMJ. So there is another 6 months waiting to get an appointment and then another 6 months for the appointment and another year for them to come a decision.

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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by Guest Fri 12 Jul 2019, 20:13

derngt wrote:
Justagrrl wrote:
derngt wrote:VAC must finally be onto the Mar 2019 CIAS/CIA applications..My CIA was increase to level 2 and they adjusted my IRB based on my new income..Nothing shows up regarding CIAS.yet...I noticed my payment amount was changing for the end August deposit, no letter or notice from VAC yet..Cheers

Congrats, derngt!  Out of curiosity, what date in March did you apply?

My CIA/CIAS went in March 8th.  I called VAC today to confirm what was on MyVac was correct.I am a little confused with the CIAS amount they said it was also approved..However, I did not see that in my Aug deposit. But my new IRB went up went up 680.00 when I was only expecting it to go up by 300.00..On the phone the VAC lady made it sound like the CIAS was apart of the IRB calculation..The letters were sent out so I will confirm next week.I wasn't expecting to get level 2 Pain and Suffering/CIA..Someone on this site said I wouldnt based on my years of service. I also read somewhere that if you get DEC you would get an addition percent for the career impact..Any thoughts...

Thanks for your reply, derngt! They must be dabbling at the end of Feb/early March now. Starting to feel cautiously optimistic.

Have a good weekend. Very Happy



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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by Unknown Soldier Fri 12 Jul 2019, 19:49

derngt wrote:
Justagrrl wrote:
derngt wrote:VAC must finally be onto the Mar 2019 CIAS/CIA applications..My CIA was increase to level 2 and they adjusted my IRB based on my new income..Nothing shows up regarding CIAS.yet...I noticed my payment amount was changing for the end August deposit, no letter or notice from VAC yet..Cheers

Congrats, derngt!  Out of curiosity, what date in March did you apply?

My CIA/CIAS went in March 8th.  I called VAC today to confirm what was on MyVac was correct.I am a little confused with the CIAS amount they said it was also approved..However, I did not see that in my Aug deposit. But my new IRB went up went up 680.00 when I was only expecting it to go up by 300.00..On the phone the VAC lady made it sound like the CIAS was apart of the IRB calculation..The letters were sent out so I will confirm next week.I wasn't expecting to get level 2 Pain and Suffering/CIA..Someone on this site said I wouldnt based on my years of service. I also read somewhere that if you get DEC you would get an addition percent for the career impact..Any thoughts...
my understanding is that once declared to have a DEC, once granted all you have to do is apply for CIA and VAC instantly makes you CIA level 2...this is on top of any CIAS payment you get
Unknown Soldier
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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by derngt Fri 12 Jul 2019, 19:31

Justagrrl wrote:
derngt wrote:VAC must finally be onto the Mar 2019 CIAS/CIA applications..My CIA was increase to level 2 and they adjusted my IRB based on my new income..Nothing shows up regarding CIAS.yet...I noticed my payment amount was changing for the end August deposit, no letter or notice from VAC yet..Cheers

Congrats, derngt!  Out of curiosity, what date in March did you apply?

My CIA/CIAS went in March 8th.  I called VAC today to confirm what was on MyVac was correct.I am a little confused with the CIAS amount they said it was also approved..However, I did not see that in my Aug deposit. But my new IRB went up went up 680.00 when I was only expecting it to go up by 300.00..On the phone the VAC lady made it sound like the CIAS was apart of the IRB calculation..The letters were sent out so I will confirm next week.I wasn't expecting to get level 2 Pain and Suffering/CIA..Someone on this site said I wouldnt based on my years of service. I also read somewhere that if you get DEC you would get an addition percent for the career impact..Any thoughts...

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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by Guest Thu 11 Jul 2019, 21:05

derngt wrote:VAC must finally be onto the Mar 2019 CIAS/CIA applications..My CIA was increase to level 2 and they adjusted my IRB based on my new income..Nothing shows up regarding CIAS.yet...I noticed my payment amount was changing for the end August deposit, no letter or notice from VAC yet..Cheers

Congrats, derngt! Out of curiosity, what date in March did you apply?


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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by Gunner8 Thu 11 Jul 2019, 19:03

If there on March they must of skipped over my CIAS application that I did on February 20th, I still haven’t heard anything.


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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty CIA increase and IRB

Post by derngt Thu 11 Jul 2019, 18:22

VAC must finally be onto the Mar 2019 CIAS/CIA applications..My CIA was increase to level 2 and they adjusted my IRB based on my new income..Nothing shows up regarding CIAS.yet...I noticed my payment amount was changing for the end August deposit, no letter or notice from VAC yet..Cheers

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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by Unknown Soldier Wed 03 Jul 2019, 09:16

czerv wrote:I had 3 CMs. Two useless.  If she/he is a social worker, report her to their SW board (or whatever is the name of that ).  Request (freedom of info act) if there were any complaints against that person.
I applied for everything that there was (without the encouragement nor any info from my 2 useless CMs) and got everything I applied for.
If they do not fire them (doubt it) they will be screw.... more veterans under their 'I am overworked' scheme. Shame on them.  How can they sleep at night?  
further to that do every single interaction by myvac, your questions, their responses, are all recorded, so if you do send for all your information through the Acess to Information, you get a printed transcript of how you’ve been slighted.
Unknown Soldier
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 Career Impact Allowance (CIA) Empty Re: Career Impact Allowance (CIA)

Post by Unknown Soldier Wed 03 Jul 2019, 09:14

Iceman wrote:
By the Bay wrote:
This really pisses me off.... A good CM would have told Iceman that he might be entitled to CIA/CIAS and apply on his behalf...
but no, again another Veteran has missed out on applying for an entitled benefit because he didn't think he was entitled to it...A veteran shouldn't have to research policies to verify if he or she is entitled to certain benefits....its the job of CMs to make sure every veteran receives ALL their entitled benefits.

I really hate this system!

By the Bay

I had a CM (a good one I think). He gave me direct email address etc and was very responsive.  
I hadn’t needed assistance for a few months, and emailed him to touch base.
He explained that his case load was double what it should have been, and with new CM’s on staff, my file got transferred to someone else.

Emailed to touch base.. crickets.
A month or 2 later, again... crickets.
Not really something you should do, ignore a client with PTSD

A few months later I really needed help, called in to get in touch with her, and found out my file had been moved to the general pool.
Never ever heard a word from her.

Since then, entirely on my own, except information I get from here, and my PTSD muddled interpretation of things.
that’s always been my bone to pick, is that when CMs fail their client there is no one to turn to to report them, and even if you do it falls on deaf ears, l know they have double the case loads but having a veteran suffer further because their novice CM doesn’t know about all the programs yet, is bullshit. It’s like they feel they did VAC a huge favour by neglecting to tell their client that they might qualify for this or that. Personally I’d be lost without what I’ve learned here, imagine those vets out there who are not even online.
Unknown Soldier
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